Christmas Spirit now and every day

Many people think of Christmas with negative beliefs, thoughts of deadlines, shopping, trying to get everything ready for the first day and then become so tired of everything, to the point of being happy that everything has over. Others think of Christmas Day to celebrate the birthday of Christ, in honor of Christ.

What do you think about Christmas? What beliefs and thoughts attachments is necessary when the Christmas season arrives? Or is drawn from most of the dogma of this?

For my part I have left out most of these conditions and have been able to create the Christmas spirit all year round, every day. The advantage I've found it, is that every day or any day I choose to play Christmas songs, I leave some decorations for the entire year in my house. Even I have a room full of Christmas lights and decorations and a tree. It's what I've come to associate with my thoughts about Christmas that holds that love and passion for it.

I took the meaning of Christmas as Christ-en-mass. The teachings and example to follow Christ's capacity to be like our brothers, that show what Christ said: "He will do greater things than these" actually, literally. Learn the wisdom and practice of the nature of reality. As he did to turn water into wine, through what is now the label of science, quantum physics and the effect of the observer. It is in the focus, using our imagination with all our senses in this now as we want. All things that Christ did can now be explained by quantum science. Label many teachers still psychics, extraordinary or paranormal, however, have been doing it old since humanity began. It is our ancestral knowledge become wisdom when we experience ourselves.

So for me Christmas has come to mean Christ in the reality of the masses and expand its evolution more unknown to learn more about ourselves. To me that means that every day in every way. Using Christ as a model of what is our gift to our infinite source, not to honor and obey, but in honor of their abilities and to honor myself and it is also everyone else.

I think this Christmas as a gift that has always been within us all of the infinite or divine source, the gift of experiencing Christ as our ability waiting to be activated. As gifts sitting under our trees, which to me symbolizes the gift within us, we have the option of maintaining or we can open the wrapped gift. When we decided to open the gift then become even more excited because we realize the powerful beings we really are at the present moment of now and how to use our power. Just as you have your present under the tree, which decides to leave them wrapped for years, or life times and never open? The people who make extraordinary gift has opened its inner infinity and use.

I think that of all the Christmas songs as reminders of the most joyful empowerment of our being is the Christ, also born in physics to remember all this wisdom, not just reserved for Christ. When I hear Christ is born, I think of myself as a Christ was born, like my brother, brother, all the songs may be a reflection of our own being, as I believe that Christ actually originally wanted to be.

The tree with bright lights and decorations remind me of our energy centers or chakra to be in harmony. The way they are a vibrating magnetic field frequencies through our consciousness. Then another idea surfaces, and think of a string of lights, hundreds of brightly colored lights, an outlet, as well as our infinite source, full of energy in each wire extending each strand of lights . Each light is separated even when you turn in the dark of night glow and appear as a shining up and down the tree. Each fed by an output without output would not experience the beautiful lighted tree. And end of our Infinite Creator we are all connected to know if all generate realities of our experiences. All the lights that appear to be fed separately from the power output of one is similar to the multiple dimensions. By adjusting the lights to blink from time to time, I remember seeing through the illusion of linear time and our simultaneous dimensions be intermittent on and off depending on the size of our beliefs and expectations.

The falling snow reminds me of innocence, purity, do not really have all our human memories subconscious programs that have kept us separated from our divine source within us infinite. The fire burning in the fireplace reminds me of the heat and fire within us that burns all the negative programs and turn the divine will and unity in the holographic nature of our world.

The joy of the Christmas spirit reminds me of our true nature, joy, happiness, empathy, wisdom microscopic infinite connection that really all, when we see everything that way then it can be really cozy at home, in our reality. Everything becomes a divine glow of Christmas feeling infinite.

That wraps it all in one amazing package of infinite love and everything we perceive is our own filtering of reality we are living. I think what Christ wants us to remember all of this ancient wisdom and become it, honor, and whether in our daily lives.

Leaving aside all separation programs and become Divine Infinite programs so that our lives may be the real reality of Christ in the MAS. What could be what they evolved over recent decades, in honor of ourselves and, finally, to develop our divine gift within us and be our own Christ in the reality of the masses.

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