Who cares about glass when you have plastic!? | #carefreeliving

eng:  These little amazing vintage cameras, which used to cost only a dollar at the time of their release, take you back to the 60s' soft and dreamy images, super-saturated colors, unpredictable blurring and random contrast. After their production stopped in the 70s, functional examples became difficult to find and increasingly expensive to purchase. The guys at Lomo decided it was time for an original comback, adding all-new functionality to the camera and expanding its creative potential. They called it Diana+, re-casting the body using a duplication of the original mold.What a lovely comeback!!! I think it's time for me to get one! You can find them at: fnac and urban outfitters! Have fun!

ro: Simpaticele aparate foto vintage, care nu costau decat un dolar atunci cand au aparut, te trimit inapoi in lumea fotografiilor calde si visatoarei, cu focalizari neasteptate, contraste aleatorii si culorilor super-saturate, ale anilor '60. Dupa ce frabricarea lor a incetat in anii '70 modelele functionale erau foarte greu de gasit si de cele mai multe ori foarte scumpe. Baietii de la Loomo au decis insa ca e timpul pentru o revenire, una cu totul spectaculoasa si originala, adaugand aparatelor numeroase functii noi si pastrand designul original. Camera se  numeste Diana+ si este disponibila atat in magazinele fnac si urban outfitters, cat si online! A mea este deja pe drum! Distractie placuta!


Diana+ DeLuxe Pack
Paul Smith x Lomography FishEye 2 Limited Edition

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