McQ Road Trip | Spring/Summer 2011

eng: Dazed & Confused contributor Niall O'Brien has shot a series of images for Alexander McQueen this season, during a drive up the cost of California into Washington State, Montana and Idaho, with spontaneous stops in small towns along the way. 'When we stopped, it was usually at rivers and small towns where we'd end up hanging out with kids and locals, drinking beer, swimming, exploring and having fun' - Niall O'Brien. Nice shots O'Brien!

ro: Partenerul Dazed & Confused, Niall O'Brien a realizat o serie de fotografii pentru sezonul Primvara/Vara 2011 Alexander McQueen, in timpul unei calatorii, cu numeroase opriri spontate, de pe coasta Californiei pana in Washington, Montana si Idaho. 'Atunci cand ne opream, era de obicei pe langa rauri sau orase mici, unde ne jucam cu copiii, stateam cu localnicii, beam bere, inotam, vizitam locurile si ne distram' - Niall O'Brien. Felicitari O'Brien!

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