Cake Magazine | "Some Nights I Thirst for Real Blood"

eng: Just found this amazing online magazine, which promotes young fashion artists. They have some impressive editorials and their 'About' section seems pretty encouraging: 'Cake addresses a whole generation of trendy, artsy, fashion-crazed boys and girls with a pronounced interest in contemporary culture'. Enjoy this amazing shots of Lisa-Marie by Danno Watts.

ro: Tocmai am descoperit o revista online foarte interesanta, ce promoveaza tineri artisti din lumea modei. Editorialele sunt exceptionale, iar sectiunea 'About' a paginii pare foarte incurajatoare: 'Cake se adreseaza unei intregi generatii de baieti si fete, artisti, pasionati de moda, interesati de cultura contemporana'
Bucurati-va de cateva poze cu Lisa-Marie, fotografiata de Danno Watts.

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